Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Assorted Stills from Life in Cape Town

Street vendor on Long Street. These people (who are Lebanese) are set up almost every night on Long Street selling food. They're so expected that people automatically leave them "their" parking spot where they park their car and set up place settings. They set up less than a block from my hostel. I have seen them almost every night, but only recently did I finally try their food with one of my friends here. It was really good! Their specialty is boerewors, a traditional South African sausage that they serve with all kinds of good toppings: cinnamon-glazed onions, ground red pepper, garlic, and lots more! And at R10 (about $1.25) it's a great deal! For more information on boerewors, see the Wikipedia page.)

Boats at the Waterfront.

Stereotypical tourist shot on the Waterfront. :)

The clocktower on the Waterfront.

Seal in the port. He/she was catching fish and flinging them around above water, taunting the sea gulls.

It's not on the sign, which is in kilometers anyway, but I think Minneapolis is something like 8818 miles from Cape Town.

The very Westernized shopping mall on the Waterfront.

The construction site for the new stadium.

Back to Chiappini Street in Bo Kaap.

I just felt this picture needed to be taken. :)

Former warehouse in a "warehouse district" converted to offices and a pub - this area has gone from industrial to commercial.

The deli bar at Mr. Pickwicks, one of my favorite places for breakfast on Long Street. They're famous for their milkshakes and coffee.

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