Wednesday, July 23, 2008

July 23rd in Pictures

This view of the mountain greeted me as I emerged from a sea of skyscrapers in the city centre.

Sweet! Too bad so much of this city was built on slave labor...

These signs, no stopping (parking) are common throughout the city, but I've noticed it seems to apply not only to automobiles, but pedestrians as well.

Some public green space in between the transit centre and downtown.

An entry to one of the underground marketplaces. Notice the multilingual direction sign.

An exhibit at the Slave Lodge depicting from where Cape Town's slaves were "imported."

The exterior of the Slave Lodge - this is the facade that was added when the building served as the Supreme Court.

In the Company's Gardens - this picture doesn't do it justice, not by far.

On the edge of the Company's Gardens.

Even the functional areas of the Company's Gardens are awesome, such as this drainage area.

Tree bark turns into a canvas for street art.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what an experience!!!