Thursday, July 24, 2008

Quick Update

Today I didn't do a whole lot, kinda recovered after a long night of hanging out at the hostel late last night.

It was cool; at one point last night I was sitting at a table full of people who were each from a different country: Austria, Australia, Ireland, Scottish, and England. It's just crazy because I have never met so many Europeans before I came here. I've really had no problem understanding anyone - most people speak English pretty well.

Last night I met a couple from San Fransisco. The guy had lived in Minneapolis and worked in St. Paul for 3 years, so it was nice to talk to someone who knew my city. He agreed that Minneapolis is a great city. The Scottish guy I was sitting with jokingly asked if my trip here was sponsored by the Minneapolis Tourism Department because I spoke so highly of the city that he figured I MUST be getting paid to do it. :)

FYI, ostrich tastes like chicken but has the texture of steak. :) The potjie was really good. They also had butternut (squash) so that was a good reminder of home.

Tomorrow my plans are to try to get over to Green Point, where they're building the new stadium for the 2010 World Cup.

Take care everybody! (Oh and if ever have any questions/comments, please don't hesitate to let me know!)

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