Tuesday, July 22, 2008

More Pictures

The interior of the District Six museum.

An artist (who was a former resident of District Six) made this memorial to the now-extinct neighborhood. My understanding is that the bricks represent each of the different areas to which the District Six residents were relocated.

A sign that was erected in the neighborhood after it was declared Whites Only.

Love the historic next to the modern... Cape Town is full of these juxtapositions.

Can't help but love this city!

The cute kids in the Gardens who wanted their pictures taken. :)

House of Parliament near the Botanical Gardens.

Part of the City Centre... Don't worry, their skyway system doesn't even come close to Minneapolis'. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i like the pics of the kids. they seem so happy that you took their picture. i've heard that kids, when you go to other countries and such are always eager to have their photos taken